How to Look After Your Artificial Nails

Here's a few tips to keep your nails looking their best and lasting longer.

  • Visit you nail technician regularly. Your nail technician will schedule appropriate appointments for you, although you can more or less count on bi-monthly visits for fills and maintenance.

  • Let the Professionals do it! If a nail breaks, or starts to lift, rather schedule an appointment to have it fixed than try and and fix it yourself! Glueing or bandaging a loose nail down can cause moisture to get caught between the nail and the extension and could cause an infection.

  • Your nails are a beautfiul accessory, not tools! Wear gloves when doing any kind of work involving chemicals or dirt (gardening included.) Avoid opening soda cans with your nails.

  • Use a sealer or top-coat every second day or so to help prevent chipping and yellowing, especially if you're in the sun frequently.

  • Choose a nail length which suits your lifestyle. If you're an active person, work on a computer a lot, or do heavy work, shorter nails may be better for you. Use lotion once a day and / or apply cuticle oil. Here's a tip: If you apply lotion before putting on your gloves to wash dishes, the heat of the water helps teat of the water helps the skin absorb the lotion.

  • Be aware of possible allergic reactions. An allergic reaction is generally identified by redness, itching, swelling or irritation around the nail, eyes and / or mouth. If you develop any of the above symptoms, call your nail technician immediately to try and determine the cause of the reaction and take steps to help stop and avoid them in future.

  • Don't want your nails anymore? Have you technician soak them off! Pulling the nails off or using chemicals can damage your natural nails. Your nail technician will know exactly what to use to safely remove your extensions.


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