Suffering from recurring yeast infections? Learn why, and how to stop them!

Recurring yeast infections can cause great harm to the human body. Don't despair though, it can be cured! In order to be able to stop recurring yeast infections, you must understand what is causing it. In order to be able to stop recurring yeast infections, you must understand what is causing it. Recurring yeast infections can cause great harm to the human body, and can be a symptom of an underlying condition. If you haven’t done so already, I strongly suggest you consult your doctor ASAP.

Possible Causes of recurring yeast infection may include:

  • Antibiotics: If antibiotics are being taken frequently, recurrent Candida infections can happen. Certain acne treatments can also create a higher risk for developing recurring yeast infections. Frequent exposure to antibiotics results in suppression in the growth of the ‘good’ bacteria, allowing for yeast to thrive.

  • Oral contraceptives: These hormones can create an imbalance, allowing yeast to multiply and cause an infection.

  • Steroids: Steroids inhibits the body’s ability to fight off infections, including yeast infections. People on steroids often take them for extended periods, and hence recurrent yeast infections are more likely.

  • Hot Weather or non-ventilating clothing: Increased moisture and warmth promotes fungal growth.

  • Diabetics or those with high sugar and / or white flour intake: Sugar becomes a great nutritional source for Candida. Recurring yeast infections is common in diabetics.

  • Suppressed Immune Systems: Those who have poor immune systems, (such as HIV and AIDS sufferers, or even someone suffering from chronic stress,) do not have the same ability to fight off infections.

  • Repeated intercourse over a short period of time.

  • Pregnancy

  • Use of Scented Feminine Hygiene products

  • Douches


Treating the symptoms of a recurring yeast infection leaves the symptoms treated, but often the yeast itself remains. Unless you treat the root cause of the yeast infection you have not solved the problem.

There are some good treatments available, but be warned as there is some very bad advice out there. For example, one remedy recommends using Boric acid. This substance is a poison and can cause death! It has no place in anyone's home much less in or on you! Olive leaf extract is another example. It can kill yeast infection, but what they don't mention is how toxic it is to the liver! There are many dangerous drugs and curative theories!

Common remedies for fungal infection include:

  • anti-fungal creams

  • anti-fungal suppositories

  • anti-fungal tablets

All-Natural treatments for yeast infection that are safe and effective are few and far between. Listed below are some that you can try quite safely.

You may find a naturopath who has suppositories that are made with tea tree oil and another with acidophilous. One is used at night and the other the next night.

Cranberries are rich in Vitamin C, and contain substances that inhibit bacteria from clinging on. It also lowers the pH of your urine, helping combat the infection.

Garlic is a natural anti-fungal and anti-biotic that kills off yeast and should be added to the diet. It may also be used internally.
Wrap an unpeeled clove of garlic in gauze or cheesecloth. Tie the ends with unwaxed dental floss,
Insert (be sure to leave the floss dangling!) and leave it in for several hours, then remove using the dental floss to pull it out.
Use nightly until symptoms cease
NB - Be careful not to cut the garlic, as the juice may sting and cause irritation. Garlic capsules may be used instead

Teatree Oil
Teatree Oil is widely used for yeast infections. Soak a tampon with a lubricant, such as KY jelly or Olive Oil, and add a few drops of pure Tea Tree Oil and insert.

Caution! Teatree oil can sting if it comes in contact with the vulva

Yoghurt contains Lactobacillus acidophilus, a bacterium found in healthy vaginas, which kills yeast. It may be applied directly to the area. Some women dip a tampon into the yoghurt and insert it to achieve a more localised treatment. Apply 1-2 times a day until symptoms clear up.

For more information on how to eliminate infections naturally, FAST and FOR GOOD, click here.


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